Reaching the unreached with the gospel of the kingdom of God is the focus of the Great Commission. Aymara Pioneers are those who are helping to fulfill this mandate given by Jesus Christ to his followers by taking an active part in bringing the Good News to the Aymara people, one of the largest ethnic groups in the Americas in which the vast majority have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel message even once.
Some of these pioneers play a vital part by providing the financial means by which training materials are translated into the Aymara language and are then put into service. These pioneers have captured the vision of penetrating the darkness of superstition and witchcraft by bringing the glorious light of the gospel to unreached Aymara villages.
Other Aymara Pioneers are those who are part of the translating team. Still other pioneers are part of the team effort which goes forth to Aymara-speaking villages in evangelistic outreaches as well as providing basic Christian training and materials as well as support for community development.
Aymara Pioneers work together as a team of both goers and senders-fulfilling God's purpose and plan of reaching the Aymara people with the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ!