Our Vision

Increase of the Word of God

The vision of Peru Outreach is one of increase, multiplication and expansion-increase of the Word of God; multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches; and expansion of God's kingdom.

This vision involves:

  • enabling hundreds of local churches to become ministry training centers across Peru and beyond using DVD-based materials
  • offering in-depth Bible-based teaching that leads to a greater level of spiritual maturity
  • producing solid teaching resources that meet the most pressing needs of pastors and their churches
  1. providing tools to help local pastors evangelize nearby unreached communities

  2. creating discipleship resources for new believers in previously unreached communities
  3. translating an array of training materials into Aymara-a language spoken by 2-1/2 million people in the Altiplano

The Strategy:

Multiplication of disciples, leaders and churches

Peru Outreach has successfully trained several thousand pastors, church leaders and church planters over the last seven years through the school of ministry program. After receiving their training the vast majority of these leaders are discipling and training others, expanding their ministries and planting new churches. The process of multiplication is in effect in an awesome way!

Increase of the Word of God

Through the Harvest Equippers division of the ministry we have developed and published a wide range of Bible-based DVD and written materials in both Spanish and Aymara that target various needs including:
  1. a personal study series (DVDs and manual) designed to address the life and ministry issues with which every pastor is confronted ("From Pastor to Pastor")
  2. a youth-oriented DVD series in which basic Bible concepts are presented in a fast-paced, MTV-style format ("YouthBytes")

  1. a series (DVD and manual) that addresses the needs of women in the church ("Women of the Word")

  2. literature and teachings on DVD in Spanish and Aymara designed to foster spiritual growth including "Called to BE Called to DO" - a book written by Pastor Peter to help leaders grow in their gifting and develop a closer walk with the Lord
Through the "Bible School Without Walls" program which
  1. uses radio and television to reach a wide audience with resources produced by Harvest Equippers
  1. sponsors workshops and seminars to equip church leaders

Expansion of God's kingdom

Through our "2020 Vision" outreach the ministry:
  1. evangelizes and provides discipleship training in remote villages in the Altiplano and elsewhere
  1. provides community development and basic health care training to remote villagers

Though our "Compassion in Action" program we:
  1. provide warm clothing to children through our "Warm-A-Kid" outreaches - which are evangelistic campaigns in remote villages in the high Andes and the Altiplano
  2. support local churches connected with us - in construction projects, evangelistic campaigns and training programs utilizing the services of short-term missions groups
  1. facilitate Medical/Dental short-term mission groups comprised of medical and dental professionals