Pastor Peter and Blanca Wollensack are founders of Peru Outreach, Harvest Equippers International, Compassion in Action and Bible School Without Walls-all of which are headquartered in Lima, Peru. Their story is one of a passion for God's presence, compassion for God's people and a burden for the message of God's kingdom to reach the ends of the earth.
They believe that true and effective ministry flows from a vital relationship with our heavenly Father. During Jesus' years here on the earth he showed the way true ministry is to be done-doing that which he saw his Father doing. Following his example, the Wollensack's heartbeat is to hear the Father's voice, follow His direction and do those things which are on His heart. That is "the way" to which every believer has been called and should be the hallmark of all Christian ministry.
Pastor Peter and Blanca feel that success in ministry is defined by the degree to which a believer has been faithful to their primary calling, which is to abide in Him, as well as trusting and obeying His clear direction. For any Christian to bear fruit that will endure, a believer must be willing to turn over preconceived notions and priorities to the Lord so that His agenda will be established and His reign will flourish.
Working alongside the Wollensacks are several key Peruvian pastors-including Humberto Gomez, Wilfredo Sanchez, Roque Chavez, Pedro Quispe and Marcos Andrade. These men of God are instrumental in bringing to fruition the heaven-sent vision of developing church leaders in Peru to a greater potential and extending God's kingdom throughout Peru and beyond.